About Me

Wel­come to Fierce and Loud – Where Women Rock Hard­er!

Hey there, rock­ers!

I’m Stephen, a life­long rock and met­al fanat­ic, gui­tar enthu­si­ast, and sto­ry­teller. I cre­at­ed Fierce and Loud to cel­e­brate the badass women who have shaped rock and met­al his­to­ry—from shred­ding gui­tarists and pow­er­house vocal­ists to drum­mers and bassists who shake the stage.

Grow­ing up, I was mes­mer­ized by female artists like Nan­cy Wil­son of Heart, Lita Ford and Joan Jet with their raw ener­gy, fear­less atti­tude, and abil­i­ty to com­mand the stage. But I also noticed that women in rock often don’t get the recog­ni­tion they deserve. That’s why this blog exists: to high­light their sto­ries, gear setups, and their impact on the music world.

What You’ll Find Here:

Deep dives into leg­endary & ris­ing female rock musi­cians
Gear break­downs, rig run­downs & best equip­ment for rock & met­al
Rock his­to­ry fea­tures
Spot­light on under­rat­ed female-front­ed bands and female musi­cians
Opin­ion pieces, reviews, and music rec­om­men­da­tions

Whether you’re a die-hard head­banger, an aspir­ing gui­tarist, or just love dis­cov­er­ing pow­er­ful women in rock, this space is for you. Let’s crank up the vol­ume and cel­e­brate the women who rock the hard­est!