Author: Stephen


The Iron Maidens: live review

The Iron Maid­ens at Fryshuset Klubben Stock­holm, 10 April 2019 – review and pho­tos by Stephen Boyle Hav­ing fol­lowed these ladies for quite some time via social media, YouTube and oth­er dig­i­tal plat­forms and…


Beginner’s Guide to Female-Fronted Metal

(Opin­ion Piece) Met­al has long been a male-dom­i­­nat­ed genre, but women have been mak­ing a pow­er­ful impact in the scene for decades. From soar­ing oper­at­ic vocals to gut­tur­al growls, female-fron­t­ed met­al bands cov­er a…


How to Support Women in Rock & Metal

Women have been mak­ing waves in rock and met­al for decades, yet they still face chal­lenges in gain­ing equal recog­ni­tion and oppor­tu­ni­ties. Sup­port­ing female musi­cians in these gen­res goes beyond just lis­ten­ing to their…


Kobra Paige – Vocalist

Kobra Paige is a Cana­di­an singer, song­writer, and the dynam­ic front­woman of the heavy met­al band Kobra and the Lotus. Renowned for her pow­er­ful vocal range and com­mand­ing stage pres­ence, she has made sig­nif­i­cant…


Emily Ruvidich (Guitarist)

Emi­ly Ruvidich is a gui­tarist and mul­ti-instru­­men­­tal­ist from the USA. She start­ed her jour­ney into music by learn­ing and play­ing clas­si­cal piano. Lat­er, she expand­ed her reper­toire to include the flute. It wasn’t long…


Rocking Out: Our New Playlist Feature!

We’re crank­ing up the vol­ume on Fierce and Loud with an excit­ing new feature—playlists! As a pas­sion­ate fan of female rock and met­al musi­cians, I want to bring you more than just sto­ries, inter­views,…



Wel­come to Fierce and Loud. The ulti­mate blog site for all things con­cern­ing the rise of women in Rock and Met­al. In this blog, I will share my love and pas­sion for Rock, Met­al…