Emily Ruvidich (Guitarist)

Pic­ture Jack­son Gui­tars

Emi­ly Ruvidich is a gui­tarist and mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist from the USA. She start­ed her jour­ney into music by learn­ing and play­ing clas­si­cal piano. Lat­er, she expand­ed her reper­toire to include the flute. It wasn’t long before she found her way to the gui­tar, and she hasn’t looked back since.

Emi­ly has per­formed in var­i­ous bands, most­ly trib­ute and cov­er bands in her ear­ly career. Play­ing for the fol­low­ing bands.

Emi­ly was the Bass play­er for Shoot To Thrill, the all girl AC/DC trib­ute band, as well as being the gui­tar play­er for Dirty White Girls, the all girl For­eign­er trib­ute band. Emi­ly has also played for Poi­son’d, the Poi­son trib­ute band, as a Bass play­er. There were fur­ther stints as a bass play­er for Red White & Crue, a Mot­ley Crue trib­ute band and also as a tem­po­rary bass play­er for Lit­tle Ozzy, the Ozzy Osbourne trib­ute band that were fea­tured on Amer­i­ca’s Got Tal­ent. Emi­ly also played gui­tar for Doll­face, Misty Day, Richard Bac­chus & The Luck­i­est Girls, and there was a brief stint play­ing gui­tar for Dianthus.

In 2016, Emi­ly was draft­ed to play Bass gui­tar for The Star­break­ers, where she joined Lind­say Mar­tin (Lilith Czar) on drums, Court­ney Cox (The Iron Maid­ens & Burn­ing Witch­es) on gui­tar, Nita Strauss (The Iron Maid­ens, Demi Lova­to & Alice Coop­er) on gui­tar and the quite incred­i­ble Jill Janus (Huntress) on vocals. This band played cov­ers in and around Los Ange­les most­ly, to great acclaim.

Emi­ly was also involved as lead gui­tar for The Killer Queens, the all female trib­ute to Queen, where she took on the role of Bri­an­na May. The Killer Queens also played a show at the spe­cial screen­ing of the movie, Bohemi­an Rhap­sody, in San Fran­cis­co in Octo­ber 2018. Emi­ly also played in the all female Guns ‘N’ Ros­es trib­ute band, Par­adise Kit­ty, to great crit­i­cal acclaim.

Emi­ly can now be found in the Till Lin­de­mann band. She joined Till’s solo project in 2022 and has been the gui­tarist since then.

Find Emi­ly Ruvidich at the fol­low­ing loca­tions.

Emi­ly Ruvidich Insta­gramhttps://www.instagram.com/emilyruvidich/?hl=en

Emi­ly Ruvidich Musi­cian Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/emilyruvidichofficial

Emi­ly Ruvidich FB Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/emily.ruvidich

Emi­ly Ruvidich Storehttps://emilyruvidich.bigcartel.com/

Emi­ly Ruvidich YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/c/EmilyRuvidich

Emi­ly Ruvidich Twit­ter - https://twitter.com/emilyruvidich

Tour Dateshttps://www.till-lindemann.com/

Offi­cial Insta­gram Fan Pagehttps://www.instagram.com/emilyruvidichfans/

Offi­cial Face­book Fan GroupEmi­ly Ruvidich Fans (Offi­cial) | Face­book

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